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I help people bring their life to higher level

I’m an internationally-acclaimed keynote speaker, life coach, author, and persona; assistant. Always thinking one step ahead of marketing trends, I works with some of the biggest brands on the planet to present memorable and entertaining keynote programs and workshops.

What Can I Do For You

Hannah Hampton is known for his original, thought-provoking and insightful views
on business problems we face today and strategies to win in the future.


Amanda Fabian is known for her original, thought-provoking and insightful views on business problems we face today and strategies to win in the future.


Amanda Fabian is known for her original, thought-provoking and insightful views on business problems we face today and strategies to win in the future.


Amanda Fabian is known for her original, thought-provoking and insightful views on business problems we face today and strategies to win in the future.

Partners Who Trust Me

Partners Who Trust Me
I find that fundamental marketing practices and insight is transferrable across many businesses and industries.

Here is some of my customers who put their trust on me, listen what they say about me.

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'Everything about Hannah is great, and I particularly like the Weekly Bonus Program. It is unique and motivates me to grow my business'

John Doe

CEO PracticeWise